Defining Rest
Last week was my first week off of school. Yes, I know that’s really early compared to most of the rest of you. Don’t hate me because I have a sweet job. Last week was also the first week in several months that I did NOT drug myself to sleep any night. I decided that, now that I had no place I had to be by a certain time every day, I could afford to risk some sleepless nights in the process of detoxing my body of antidepressants and sleep medication. All to say that REST was a significant theme for my week. And all the more significant after listening (twice) to a podcast my daughter did on the topic. (The “You’re Cool With Me” podcast from FeatherTree Arts. Click here to watch that episode, or check it out wherever YOU listen to podcasts!) So, the question of the day is, what exactly qualifies as “Rest”? I think we would all agree that we require it on a regular basis, but how exactly do we define this thing that we know we need? Is it sleep? Is it merely physical inactivity? Is...