Not America First

Friends, I am quite distressed by the current political situation.

There are politicians out there who show all the signs of genuine mental health disorders. There are politicians out there saying and doing things that I find just inconceivable. There are politicians out there whom I think I might like and respect if I knew them personally . . . but they are standing with the crazies. And I can’t fathom it. I just can’t.

And you know what’s nuts? I suspect there are those of you reading this on both sides of the aisle who are nodding in agreement with me.

Everybody is crazy. And everybody thinks everybody else is the crazy one.

What is WRONG with us, people?? How did we get here? I’ve spent far too much time fretting about this lately . . . but I think I do have a pertinent insight.

When I first started directing plays with young people back in Sioux City, I quickly realized that I could not make it my primary goal to put on a great play. Because if that was the objective, then I ended up making decisions that were not necessarily in the best interests of the students I was teaching. Their growth was the primary goal . . . and I had to keep that in the forefront of my mind to stay on track.

Here's why I bring that up: I think we’re committing a similar mistake as a nation. We’ve made America too important. Over the history of humanity, nations have risen and fallen; I suspect America may fall at some point, too -- which will be tragic but not cataclysmic. The United States could crash and burn, and the Kingdom of God still survive -- it might, in fact, flourish all the more. Contrary to the belief of many on the Christian right, we are not a chosen people. We are not the hope of the world. Hope of the world? That would be Christ, friends. And the United States is not the Body of Christ; the Church is.

More than that, we’ve made the American government too important. We expect government to solve all the problems in our country. The American people are immoral and selfish and stupid, we say. So, how do we fix that? Pass laws so nobody sins anymore. Create social programs so nobody suffers anymore. Fix the educational system so everyone knows all the right things and none of the wrong things.

Excuse me?? When did morality become Congress’ domain? When did the President become the hope of the oppressed? When did the powers that be become the source of all truth? Again, I was under the impression these were Christ’s jobs. Yes, I’m quite sure of it, in fact.

We are focusing on the wrong goals, people. If our goal is to make America great (either greatness of the MAGA variety or of the Progressive variety), we will be tempted to do things that are not good for We the People . . . and things that are certainly not in line with God’s kingdom.  

I do fear for our nation. I love my country. But my primary citizenship is not in this young, experimental republic.

Can I be honest that I’m very afraid to post this? I don’t really think I’m afraid of what people will think of me. I’m afraid of what I will think of other people when they react. And I’m afraid of friends using my words (or, more likely, just a few of my words because they didn’t do me the courtesy of reading and digesting all of them) as fodder for more battle with their perceived enemies.

That’s not my desire. Nor is saving the country my desire. God’s kingdom is my desire – and let’s all remember that God’s kingdom is not the least bit dependent on the success of the United States of America. But it DOES require God’s people to behave like God’s people.  


  1. Thank you for your heartfelt, insightful message to all of us today.

  2. Amen. This is spot on. We have to stop being so tribal and crazy. Rather than being focused on the teachings of Christ, we are seeking our guidance from our performance-based politicians and ratings-based news channels. Turn off the clowns, shut out the vitriol and listen to the still small voice THE ONE that matters.

  3. Wow! Well said! I don’t want to know which political side you’re on, so that I can say “I agree with you”, and you don’t know what side I’m on so you aren’t offended by me! 😂 Thanks for the blog!

  4. I know this is going to sound scary…but I really believe this should be published further, more broadly. I really hope you’ll consider it.

    1. I don't know how I'd do that. I mainly get more readers when people share the post -- which you are free to do.

    2. I have no social media accounts, but let me ask others about possible outlets.

  5. Gwen, I love what you wrote here. Very well put and done in a manner where I don't know which "side of the isle" you fall on. (I have my suspicion but am not sure.) As a former political consultant who still follows politics very closley and as somone who has been an official in both political parties - (yes I saw the light and left one party to join the other years ago - it made headlines in my county newspaper) - and who ran a legislative office for elected state representatives in NJ and who has served on goverment boards, I can usually figure out very quickly where someone is politically so you have stumped a bit of an expert - good for you!

    Your thoughts come at an interesting time in my life.....I have always (on a weekly and usually even a daily basis) shared thoughts and articles and led discussions with a group of friends on politics in our country. After the last round of elections (I'm probably going to give my political views away here but I don't hide them so that's OK ) I am so discouraged that I am seriously considering dramatically, if not totally, cutting back on my weekly and daily political conversations, emails, etc. and concentrating on discussing, studying and sharing spiritual matters with my friends instead since our country seems headed for moral, civil and political destruction. Frankly, I and several of my friends have pretty much given up hope of our country returning to much more moral and God pleasing behavior that we used to have in the USA. I'm certainly not saying we were ever perfect and totally God pleasing in our behavior but the level of sin and outright depravity I see in our country these days is shocking to say the least. Probably the most shocking example of this is the killing of unborn children up to the moment of birth and yes in some cases even right after birth. Well that certainly exposed my political orientation ! I'll stop here so as not to start a fight with any friends of yours (or you?) who may be pro choice - (pro death in reality - let's be truthful here).

    You said you were afraid of the response you might have to your letter and I fear my comments may be exactly what you didn't want so if I offended you I feel bad about that but you did open the door, I'm a major free speech advocate and your views so tied into my thoughts this week that I had to reply. I hope this won't ruin our friendship. Greg


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