
(God, beaming at the humans he just created.)

Aw, look at them! They’re so cute with their hair and their smiles and their short attention spans and their fragile egos. I’m going to enjoy hanging out with these guys.

But now I need to figure out how to make that happen. Relationship, I mean. You gotta know someone to have a relationship with them, right? I know them, of course – inside and out. But I have to figure out how they can know me . . . how they can even understand who I am. I mean, they can’t really comprehend me in my entirety, bless their limited little hearts.

But I can give them glimpses of me, here and there. Enough to make them want more and seek me out. ‘Cause I want them to seek me out.

So let’s see . . .

I’ll start with  . . . a Parent. Yes! Perfect. Every human will have a Parent. A stronger, bigger fellow human who protects them and nurtures them . . . who belongs to them no matter what . . . who adores them even on the days when they seem to be getting nothing in return but sass and college bills and poopy diapers.

But whoa, that’s a lot. Can a human really handle that job? Naw, not really. They’ll screw it up. But that’s okay – most of them will get enough of it right to offer their kids a glimpse of who I am, at least. That’s the goal here. Glimpses.

And you know, now that I think about it . . . let’s split that job into two. A Father and a Mother. Two humans. Yeah. Good plan. We’ll start there.

But a Parent can’t represent me fully. I’m so much more than that. They need even more relationships to show them all the other sides of me. How about . . .

Friends. Sure, I’ll give them Friends. Humans who don’t have to be with them but want to. Someone who loves them by choice. Who just flat out enjoys their company. Yep, that’s an important side of me, too. Good. Good idea.

Now, let’s see . . . they also need to understand that I have a unique kind of authority, a sovereignty over everything. Hmmm. Let’s go with . . . Kings. Governors and such. Benevolent rulers. There we go. They need to know that there’s a trustworthy someone out there running the show and that that’s a good thing.

And then let’s bring that concept a little closer to home. How about a Boss? That’s a little different. Someone they choose to put themselves under the authority of. Submission’s a tricky thing: it’s kind of a choice, but kind of not. They’re going to need a lot of practice at that.

Yeah, I know. Bosses and Kings – that’s a dangerous path to send them down. They’re going to screw that one up, too. Let’s face it -- they’re going to screw up all of these relationships to a degree, because they’re humans. But that’s okay. Again, we’re talking about glimpses. A little glimpse of this side of me. A little glimpse of that part of me. It’s alright that they mess it up sometimes. If they could get everything they need from other humans, they would never want the real me.

But there’s still something missing here – something really important. I want them to understand the PASSION I have for them. The desire for real intimacy – deep intimacy – for oneness.

Ah. A Spouse. Husbands. Wives. That’s it. That'll show them the real me.

Ooooo . . . that one is fraught with danger, isn’t it? You KNOW they'll screw that up. It’s pretty risky to have one human give that much of their heart to another. They can do a lot of damage to each other. But then, all of these roles I’m giving them – they all can do damage.

Yeah, that’s going to be painful to watch.

Is it worth the risk? Yep. Absolutely. Remember the goal here. It’s not about humans meeting each other’s needs. It’s about humans pointing each other to me: the perfect Husband. The best of Bosses. The ultimate King. The faithful Friend. The forever Father. They need ME. Desperately. They have to learn through their flawed relationships with humans just how much they need a relationship with me.

Yeah . . . I’m gonna love hanging out with these guys.


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