Yes . . . And

I spent five Thursday nights this summer in an adult improvisation class at Crystal Sea Drama Company. Thank you, Mike Dannelly – it was a joy.

I love watching improv, but God did NOT grace me with the gift of spontaneity. As fun as it looked, I was afraid I would suck at it. But being a drama teacher, it behooves me to have some basic knowledge of the art. So, I signed up for the class. And I learned so stinkin’ much.

One of the basic concepts behind improvisation is the “Yes . . . And”. When someone on your team takes a story in one direction, you respond with “Yes,” and then continue in that direction with “And”.

Actor A: Look! There’s a spaceship landing on our front lawn!

Actor B: Yes . . . and I bet they’re bringing Uncle Larry back!

Oh, friends . . . this is a concept we need to apply to life. To ALL the things.

YES! – Folks, we need to look for what we can say yes to. Say yes whenever possible. This is true in parenting: “Yes, you can pick what you wear today – which of these three shirts do you like?” rather than “No! I’m your mother – I’m dressing you!”

This is true in self-care: “Yes, I will have dessert after a healthy dinner in an hour,” rather than, “No! I will not eat the chocolate chips! No! No! No!”

This is true regarding the many divisions in our country right now: “Yes, you have the freedom to not get vaccinated, and I'd love to talk more about why you're choosing that.” (With a corresponding, “Yes, let’s talk about that!”) As opposed to “No! You can’t walk our streets and go to our schools and put our lives at risk because you’re an anti-science idiot!”

In The Go-Between God, John Taylor says of Jesus, “With him it is always ‘Yes.’ Possessed by the Spirit of life he saw every eventuality in its positive aspect. He met every temptation by saying ‘Yes’ to a more vivid alternative.”

I want to see every eventuality in its positive aspect. Make me more like you, Jesus.

AND . . . – It’s a conjunction; it connects things. Lord, how we need CONNECTIONS right now! We need to look for where we can put an “and” to join what is divided or seems exclusive.

We need real conversations between Republicans AND Democrats. Conservatives AND Liberals. The Right AND the Left.

We need to welcome the immigrant AND keep our country safe.

All lives matter, AND black lives need special attention right now.

We need to maintain freedom of choice about the vaccine, AND we need love our neighbors enough to make sacrifices to protect them.

Yes . . . and. It applies everywhere, people.

Even after five weeks of improv class, spontaneity still eludes me, I’m afraid. But I’m not sure that’s what the class was about anyway. Positivity and connectivity. That’s what I needed to learn.



  1. YES, YES, YES.
    AND I love how your mind works, Gwen! I love the connections you make and share.

    1. Thank you! I appreciate your reading and your encouraging comments.


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