Thoughts While Watching Star Wars

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned on Facebook that I was thinking about watching all the Star Wars movies. I saw the first one in the theater in 1977, but I never saw the others. FB friends wanted to hear my reactions – so here you are:

Episode 4 – A New Hope (? When did it get that title?)

- How did I sit through this and understand it when I was nine? I don’t think I did understand it. I’m not sure I really understood it all at 56.

- I was bored through the first half. Bored enough that I had to watch it again because in the second half I got into it and wondered what I missed in the first half.

- So, honestly, the effects are good enough even fifty years later to not be a big distraction . . . and that’s pretty amazing. I bet they blew people away at the time.

- It’s unfortunate how much this has been parodied. I feel like I’m watching a spoof. “Use the force, Luke.” I almost laughed at that. It’s hard to take it seriously sometimes. I have to keep reminding myself that this was the first time this stuff happened . . . and the reason these moments have been parodied so much is because they were so impactful that they stuck in the collective consciousness.

Episode 5 – The Empire Strikes Back

- I know the scrolling backstory at the beginning is pretty iconic, but now it’s just feeling lazy to me. I tell my students when they write stories that it’s much more interesting to work the backstory in as you’re telling the current story – let the reader figure things out rather than just telling them. Maybe this was too much information for that? But honestly, I think I’d have been more drawn in if I were trying to figure out where they were and why.

- I’ve seen Yoda over the years. I’d never heard Yoda’s voice (at least not young Yoda). That was a shocker. And he’s a comic character? What?? When he first showed up at Luke’s camp, I believed him that he was going to take Luke to the real Yoda because he didn’t seem at all like the all-wise being I’d been hearing about.

- His weird grammar wasn’t as prominent as I expected, either. But I did recognize that line: “Do or do not. There is no try.” A student at school wrote that on a whiteboard one year, and we didn’t have the heart to erase it – it stayed for weeks, maybe until the end of the year. I think a teacher put it on her bulletin board eventually.

- And I’m sadly distracted by Mark Hamill’s new face. I read up on that accident. That was a shame. But my daughter didn’t know anything about his accident when she saw the movie, and she said she didn’t even notice.

Episode 6 – Return of the Jedi

- What up with all the disgusting-looking creatures?? I mean, it seems like their main goal in this episode was to show off their effects department. And to gross everyone out.

- Of course, I’ve heard about the “I am your father” shocker many times . . . but I don’t know if I ever heard about Vader saving Luke’s life. That was a pretty powerful moment. Why is that not a bigger deal?

- And I didn’t know Yoda dies in front of our faces. Oh, Yoda! I see why you are so beloved. And now he’s inverting his sentence patterns more, too. Maybe it’s an old age thing.

- My daughter had warned me ahead of time about the teddy bear-ish Ewoks that she just couldn’t handle. Again, was this episode all about the effects? I mean, yes, major character moments with Luke and Vader, but those seem casually sprinkled in between the look-at-what-we-can-do stuff.

- Those three “ghosts” he sees at the end – is the third one his dad? I’m assuming so . . . and now I’m curious how much he will look like the Anakin in Episodes 1-3.

I’ll get to 1-3 at some point. Watch this space.


  1. Love all your comments about these movies. Derrick and I got married in May of ‘77 and saw the 1st one (actually the 4th) that summer. We were astounded by the words going overhead, the score, the special effects. It was all so new!


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