Who Forgives ALL

 ". . . who forgives all your sins . . ." (Ps 103)

ALL my sins?


Every one of them? Seriously, God? Cuz, I mean, there's a lot of them.

All means all. All forgiven. From the moment you said "Yes" to me.

So, like, my bad attitudes. My selfishness. Man, I can be selfish. My jealousy -- the way I hate that she's got life so easy and I don't and I want what she has. My arrogance. The times I take credit I don't deserve and think I'm better than I am. All of that? Forgiven?

Forgiven. Already done.

Ooo . . . remember that time in high school when I flirted with my best friend's boyfriend behind her back? Dang -- that was scummy. I'm still ashamed of myself when I think about that.

Yeah, that was pretty scummy, alright. All forgiven. Before it ever happened.

And I keep losing my temper with the guy next door. I'm so sorry. I'm trying, Lord -- you know I am. He's just such a . . . well, I'm trying.

I know. We'll keep working on that. But all means all. It's already forgiven. Including the sins still waiting to happen.

Ugh . . . yeah. You forgive them, too?

Everything. Already done.

Wow. Okay . . . okay, but . . . 

But . . .

But there's that one.


Do I even want to bring it up . . . 

Sure. Let's go there.

Okay. Okay, fine. THAT one. That thing that everyone says is sin. Such terrible, awful sin.

Got it. THAT one.

I'm going to be honest with you, God . . . 

Please do.

I don't even think that is a sin.

I know.

I'm about to get pissed about this . . .

Keep going.

I don't get it! It feels right . . . it even felt like you were leading me there . . . it doesn't hurt anyone . . . how can it be sin??

A reasonable question.

It makes no sense. None! All these people, God -- these Christians in my life -- these loudmouth, hateful, judgmental hypocrites -- they don't know what they're talking about!!

Sometimes they get it wrong. Sometimes you get it wrong, too.

Yeah, well, here's what it boils down to. I don't want to "fix" that.

I know.

I can't believe you would expect that of me. I'm not even sure you do. And . . . and if you're going to let that one thing stand between us, like they tell me you do . . . I don't know what to do with that.

Listen, my child. To ME, not them. I know you; they don't. I know your heart toward me; they don't. We're good. Sinless perfection is not required -- it was never the goal -- never even on the table. The goal is relationship. You and me. Stop fretting; stop raging. This one thing here . . . I won't let that get in the way of our relationship,

You do realize that's not what other Christians say. They say as long as I'm wrong on that one, I'll never be right with you.

I know. Sometimes they're wrong. You're wrong sometimes, too.

I just . . . this is hard, God. This one -- I don't understand.

I know. You don't have to. We'll get there. This intimacy I want with you . . . it's dynamic and unexpected and deep and enthralling and so, so much more than a thing to understand. "Understanding" isn't the goal. Sinlessness isn't the goal. The goal is relationship. With me. We can set that one thing aside for a while. We've got a lifetime. And then an eternity. And I'm the one setting the pace -- not them.

But if . . . IF I'm refusing to obey you. That's a sin. Right?


You would forgive even that?

Already done.

But . . . that's not what they tell me.

All means all. Already done is already done. Forgiven from the beginning.

Mmmm . . .

I . . . I don't deserve you, Jesus.

Oh, love . . . it was never about your deserving anything! Come on -- let's take a walk. Tell me about your day . . . 


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