Who Forgives ALL

". . . who forgives all your sins . . ." (Ps 103) ALL my sins? Yep. Every one of them? Seriously, God? Cuz, I mean, there's a lot of them. All means all. All forgiven. From the moment you said "Yes" to me. So, like, my bad attitudes. My selfishness. Man, I can be selfish. My jealousy -- the way I hate that she's got life so easy and I don't and I want what she has. My arrogance. The times I take credit I don't deserve and think I'm better than I am. All of that? Forgiven? Forgiven. Already done. Ooo . . . remember that time in high school when I flirted with my best friend's boyfriend behind her back? Dang -- that was scummy . I'm still ashamed of myself when I think about that. Yeah, that was pretty scummy, alright. All forgiven. Before it ever happened. And I keep losing my temper with the guy next door. I'm so sorry. I'm trying, Lord -- you know I am. He's just such a . . . well, I'm trying. I know. We'll keep w...