
Showing posts from May, 2023

Learning to Replenish

“Who are we when there’s nothing to keep us busy?” Facebook tells me I posted this quote a little over three years ago and attributed it to Henri Nouwen. I can’t find now where he said this insightful thing, so maybe he didn’t. Nevertheless, it is a question that has made me pause. Because my school year has ended. (Do I hear an “Amen”?) I’m back on duty the first week of August, but that gives me two months. I’ve got three weeks of camps I’m teaching in July, plus VBS. And I leave this weekend to visit my eldest in Missouri for several days. But for most of June, my time is uncommitted. Of course, I have a list . . . I ALWAYS have a list. But none of the items thereon are terribly urgent. I have a month ahead of me with not much to keep me busy. And that’s downright weird. I have always been busy. Always . I honestly don’t remember a significant period of time since middle school that I didn’t feel stressed out. There has always been something I was in the middle of doing . . ...

Check Your Mirrors

The other day, I was driving along in my pretty blue Nissan Rogue Sport, my sweet little thing I bought after I wrecked the family van over a year ago, the biggest personal expenditure I’ve ever made in my life, my precious sapphire-blue Rogue that I love , listening to some 1990s Third Day CD, having a great time . . . when my rear-view mirror suddenly fell to the floor. I mean, out of nowhere , people. I cannot tell you how disconcerting this was. For the record, I got home safely. I was able to easily slip the mirror back in place when I stopped – and I’ll be taking the Rogue in for its six-month look-over soon, so I’ll ask them to make sure that won’t happen again. But those of you who read my blog even on an infrequent basis KNOW that I immediately started looking for spiritual significance in this situation. Because that’s what I do now. Here was my first thought: I need to stop obsessing about what is behind me. That’s the past. I’m beyond that. My focus needs to be ...

More Than I Was

I knocked my cheap little lamp off of the bedside table a while back. Its ceramic base broke into three or four pieces. It wasn’t a big deal – like I said, it was a cheap little lamp, and it’s not like I was emotionally attached to it or anything. But dang, I was annoyed with myself. Somebody more handy than I would have gotten out the superglue and stuck it back together. And part of me kept thinking I should do that. I was raised by children of the Depression; my mother actually rinsed out Ziploc bags and reused them. The idea of throwing away a lamp (even a cheap one) that was probably quite reparable just goes against my thrifty, waste-not-want-not upbringing. But I’m not sure I even have any superglue in my house. (Should I be ashamed of that? I’m choosing not to be.) And I wasn’t inclined to run out to the store just for glue. I have another lamp. It’s not like I was desperate to keep this last-minute Walmart find from a couple decades ago. So, into the trash it went. I cou...

The Next Thing

My play opens this week – the play I’m directing with my drama class at school. We have one more dress rehearsal on Tuesday, then we perform Thursday and Friday. Yeah . . . it’s crunch time. I love this group of students, but teaching my drama class always challenges me. We meet twice a week for one hour each time. I schedule some after school rehearsals during the second semester, but I can’t do too many. Those of you who have done theatre understand how painful those time constraints are.  And the majority of my kids this year (and many years) are brand new to the stage. They’re still working on basics like speaking loud enough to be heard. And slow enough to be understood. Not turning their backs on the audience. Sigh . . . basics . And that’s good – they need to learn the basics. And I do have a handful of veterans that I can rely on for more than that. They're all working hard. They're all doing their best.  Still . . . this is a stressful week. The local youth theate...