The Roe Thing - Written in Tears
Fortunately, I’ve been pretty busy and preoccupied with the task of moving my youngest out of state this weekend. I haven’t been able to spend inordinate amounts of time watching the news after Roe was overturned and scouring Facebook for all my friends’ reactions. But the little bit of each that I have seen has depressed me. No, that’s mild. At moments, it has absolutely enraged me. And it enraged me to the point that I got out my laptop in the hotel room this morning to type out my response . . . we’ll see if I end up having the courage to post it. Let me start with my pro-choice friends. I understand your grief. Really, I do. But please hear me out, people. There are legitimate, honest, Christ-honoring reasons to be against abortion that have nothing to do with trying to control women and take away their reproductive rights . Nothing. NOTHING to do with that. Maybe your views on this issue have been informed by significant pain and trauma in your life – that’s understandable, an...