And Now . . . Do!
[Resurrection Station #7 – Matthew 28] Go and make disciples! Each of my other Resurrection Stations started with a question Jesus asked (in case you hadn’t noticed). But Jesus doesn’t ask questions here; he gives a bunch of commands. Go. Train. Baptize. Teach. This is the Great Commission, a passage pounded into me throughout my Southern Baptist upbringing By many good and faithful Southern Baptists . . . like David Platt. I am quite fond of David Platt. His book Radical and the videos from his many years of Secret Church conferences had a profound impact on me at significant points in my life. He seems well-grounded, genuine, and compassionate. I respect the guy greatly . But I have to admit, he sends me on serious guilt trips sometimes. "There are 3.2 billion people with little to no access to the gospel. That's 40% of the world's population," he tells me on Facebook. He is all about evangelism, reaching the unreached people round the world with the good n...